Pediatric Kidney Transplant

The Division of Pediatric Nephrology at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital oversees a nationally recognized kidney transplant program. We provide a full range of services, including living and deceased donor transplants for children with renal failure. Learning your child needs a kidney transplant can be scary, but our team of SLUCare Physician Group experts will be by your side the entire way.

Fighting Organ Donation Myths

When you or your child needs an organ transplant where do you turn for accurate and helpful information? Experts help set the record straight.

Learn Why Organ Donation is Important

Facing a Kidney Transplant

If your doctor thinks your child will benefit from a new kidney, you will be referred to our transplant team for a complete evaluation. This evaluation will determine if your child is a candidate for a kidney transplant.

Learn What to Expect

Conditions We Treat

A kidney transplant places a new donor kidney in the body when a child's kidneys fail. In children, kidney failure is usually the result of genetic diseases, primary glomerulonephritis, or birth defects. Other conditions that may lead to a kidney transplant include:

  • Bilateral Wilms Tumor
  • Congenital Obstructive Uropathy
  • Cystinosis
  • Drash Syndrome
  • End Stage Renal Disease
  • Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
  • Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
  • IgA Nephropathy
  • Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • OxalosisOxalosis
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Posterior Urethral Valves
  • Prune Belly Syndrome
  • Reflux Nephropathy
  • Renal hypoplasia, dysplasia
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Sometimes treating the condition that is causing kidney failure can help the kidneys heal. But, if that isn’t an option and does not work then your doctor could recommend a kidney transplant.

There are two kinds of kidney transplants: a living-donor transplant and a non-living-donor transplant. Unlike some other organs, a kidney can be donated by a live donor because we can survive with one working kidney. A living donor is usually a relative or close friend of the transplant recipient.


As one of only 17 centers participating in the Improving Renal Outcome Collaborative (IROC) research network, our team is committed to working to reduce transplant rejection and improve overall outcomes for our patients.

This commitment is reflected in our outcomes. Since 2011, 100% of our kidney transplant patients have survived with a graft survival rate of 90.2%. For more detailed information about our outcomes, please contact us.

Our Team

The transplant surgeons at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital are experienced in all types of kidney transplant methods, so they can offer the best option to meet each child’s needs. All of our specialists are on the faculty of Saint Louis University School of Medicine and members of SLUCare Physician Group, the clinical arm of Saint Louis University School of Medicine.

A transplant can be scary, but it may provide the life-changing opportunity for your child to grow. We strive to build a partnership between your family and our team of specialists, so you have the support you need through this journey. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, day or night. Our team is by your side every step of the way. Call us today at 314-577-5351 to schedule an appointment or request a second opinion.

Give the Gift of Life

Help End the Pediatric Transplant Waiting List

Almost 1,963 pediatric patients in the US are waiting for an organ donation. Contact the pediatric transplant team today to learn how you can join the organ donor list and help change the lives of children who are waiting for a kidney, liver, heart, or bone marrow transplant. View an infographic to learn more about how being a donor can change lives.

Pediatric Kidney Transplant Success Stories

Our pediatric transplant team is committed to giving children a second chance. We share patient stories to offer comfort, hope, and inspiration from other parents who have been where you are. Know that you are not alone - we are here to support you every step of the way.

Read Patient Success Stories
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