Pediatric Cardiology

The Dorothy and Larry Dallas Heart Center

The pediatric cardiology department at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital is a comprehensive center for children with congenital heart defects. Our SLUCare Physician Group cardiologists are at the forefront of advanced medicine, including heart surgery, implants, and a number of innovative options.

If your child is diagnosed with a heart defect, our pediatric cardiologists and heart surgeons will work together to design a treatment plan to best fit you and your child’s needs. Our goal is to treat your child’s whole, and provide ongoing support to ensure they can live a healthy and productive life.

Nationally Recognized

SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital is ranked among the best hospitals in the country for pediatric cardiology and heart surgery.

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Heart Transplant

Learning your child needs a heart transplant can be scary, but our team of experts will be by your side the entire way.

Learn About Heart Transplant
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